Friday, April 1, 2011

Coach John Wooden on Achievement

     "Don't mistake activity for achievement"

-- Coach John Wooden
October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010

  For me personally these five words from John Wooden may have been the most powerful keys to my success as a salesman and a coach.  I had just started coaching soccer and knew little or nothing about the game.  There wasn't much available in the U.S. on soccer coaching, plus I had never coached before, even if the were just 7 year olds at the time.  So I run across this quote by Coach Wooden, and it prompts me to purchase the book "They Call Me Coach".  Wow, not only was this quote and it's meaning a prescription for how to plan and run a practice effectively to achieve the maximum results, but it related to how I should plan a successful sales day, week, month etc..  The consistent practice of planning my days took my already solid sales career and fast forwarded it.  The book itself is not just about basketball, UCLA and sports but about success in life as well.  A must read for leaders and coaches.
  As a coach the practice of planning every practice kept the players engaged and moving from activity to activity growing their skills, conditioning, knowledge of the game and ultimately the opportunity to compete and win.  I always tried to make it fun, and end every practice with a game based on the strategy we had worked on during practice.
  When I began to consistently plan every day and week (as well as write down my goals) it was amazing how much more time I had for my family, was able to achieve more and be involved in the community.  It also turbocharged my income.
  Too many times over the years I have seen salespeople and coaches going through day after day "winging it".   They can usually be mildly successful winging it either because of good economic conditions or superior players.  This does eventually catch up to them resulting in unnecessary struggles.  I sometimes run into competitors I know aren't doing well and ask them how they're doing.  It blows me away how often I hear "I'm kicking "butt" and taking names," I think to myself "but are you making any money?"  I can tell this may usually be an enthusiastic salesperson, but is someone who isn't planning what they are doing day to day, their just out there taking names.  You still have to "achieve" appointments and get sales.  If taking names was going to get me stellar commissions I'd pick up the phone book and poof, I'd be rich.  

  "Plan your work and work your plan. Decide in advance exactly how you are going to get from where you are to where you want to go." -- Brian Tracy

Don't Wing It
Have a Plan
Plan BIG things
Write down your plan!  Find a system that works best for you.  Even if it's just a piece of paper or notebook.  Write it down!
Write down your goals
Encourage others to make BIG plans and to write it down.

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