Friday, March 25, 2011

Vince Lombardi on Victory

     "I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle..VICTORIOUS."
-- Coach Vince Lombardi
June 11, 1913 - September 3, 1970
   While I was sitting around with friends watching the end of the Super Bowl, with the Green Bay Packers finishing off my favorite team the Pittsburgh Steelers,  I was reminded of this quote.  It has been one of my favorites for a very long time and I shared it with my friends.  Then as we were driving home listening to all the post-game hoopla on the Sirius XM NFL Radio station, Boomer Esiason (I'm pretty sure it was Boomer) whipped out this quote to end his show.  Man, it gave me chills.
    As coaches, business people and entrepreneurs we go out into the "field of battle" every day.  While that may seem a bit dramatic, it is what we do.  We plan, set goals, evaluate the competition and strategize. With our resolution to SUCCEED we then put our hearts and energy into our projects and businesses, enlisting team members, friends, family members and energizing them with our dreams and visions.  With their help and hard work we set out to battle and claim our victory.
    Whether your starting a new business, have an existing business, a team or working on an important marketing campaign this all applies.  Just think what it feels like, you've quit your job to start a new business that your passionate about, but unsure how it's going to go.  You maybe enlist a partner or two or find a mentor who shares your vision.  You go to work after putting your plan together, every one's working hard, you have some setbacks and some doubts, still everyone has a goal and is grinding it out.  Now your closer to launching say, your new online business or marketing campaign that you've spent countless hours working and reworking until your deadline is now approaching.  Your nervous, tired, excited and just hoping you get more than a couple dozen clicks or orders.  The work is all cross your the "Publish Now" Button (or equivalent) and with nervous enthusiasm you wait.   Suddenly the click count starts jumping up, people are tweeting, blogging and and sharing all the information, buying your products and it's blowing away even your best case scenarios!  You take a deep breath wondering if you had enough to keep it up if it didn't work, but then you jump up start hugging everyone, high fiving, do the goal dance and run outside and shout "YA BABY, WE (I) DID IT"  What an exhilarating feeling.  VICTORY!

     Whatever it is you do, always remember to achieve sustainable success it does take hard work and enthusiasm.   Always have a plan and don't be afraid to enlist people who can help you with the knowledge or expertise to do the things you don't know or have the time for.  
Recruit Like-minded partners
Share your dreams and goals with optimistic family members and friends
Find Mentors
Use Coaches to coach in the areas you or your team needs help with
Keep Grinding, Evaluating your Strategies, Make appropriate changes and always expect VICTORY!
Don't forget to reward yourself or your team.  There's nothing like sharing the thrill of victory

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