Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Think Big...Dream Big

Think big.... Dream Big

I have this quote hanging in my office and it reminds me to move forward in big ways to see beyond my potential and do big things for myself and other people. It also reminds me that whatever problems or setbacks I may come across I can still come back stronger and better than before.

  Big thoughts many times start with big dreams.  Success and greatness starts with BIG DREAMS.  Success and greatness are accomplished by taking action on those dreams.  Don't fear your dreams, embrace them.  Don't let other people talk you out of your dreams. 

  One of my favorite big dreamer's was Thomas Edison, he not only dreamed he could invent the light bulb, and did after failing thousands of times, he dreamed bigger than that.  He had big thoughts of building power plants to to generate the electricity to capitalize on the invention of the light bulb as well as many other "modern" devices to improve lives and increase the consumption of the energy his power plants were producing.

  Actors are another type of big dreamers I admire. These are folks who generally start with their dream at a young age of being in the movies or tv, "being famous" or winning an Oscar.  They work hard at their craft, suffer setback after setback, ridicule, lack of support and work sometimes 10 to 20 years to be an overnight success.  But the successful actors believe in their dream, believe in themselves and aren't willing to give up.  Coaches, musicians, athletes, and entrepreneurs often fall in this category as well. 

  So we now have this big dream.  How do we manage it?  First, is to clearly visualize it and see yourself "living this dream."  Write it down, then write it down even bigger!  Bigger dreams bring us bigger challenges and even larger rewards.  If your dream is to make $100,000 in commissions by the end of the year then make that $200,000.  This will help you stay energized and focused even if things get a little harder then you thought they would be.  Next put together a clear plan and set goals.  They need to be to goals you must reach for, remember you are going after big things.  As John Wooden said, "Goals achieved with little effort are seldom worthwhile or lasting."  Make sure the goals are in writing.  Now break those goals down into steps and the steps into tasks.  Put a target date or deadlines on these tasks, steps and goals.

  Discuss your dreams and get other like-minded people excited with your vision.  Find partners and mentors to help you along the way.  Help other people along the way. The more you are able to help other people get what they need, the more they will help you get what you need and help you fulfill your dreams.

Think Big
Dream Big
Dream Bigger
Have a plan 
Write down your goals, steps and tasks (with deadlines) to achieve your bigger dreams
Stay Focused on the "Prize"
Use coaches, mentors and find partners to keep you on the path to success

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